Full Steam Ahead With Volume Two

Posted by mp3hugger

Steamy Scene
Just a quick update on the state of play with Volume 2. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks writing to bands to see if they were interested in getting on board and the response has been brilliant. At this stage I almost have the full complement of 10 tunes and the standard is very high. As there is no restriction on the tracks (in other words they not confined to unreleased material this time) I was able to browse through the hugger archives and pick some of my favourites from the last few years. Again there will be a wide geographical spread in the artists contributing and this time you have may even have heard of some of them! As a bonus for those who bought Volume One there will a discount to reward your alarming blind faith. Expect the compilation to appear around this time next month.


Anonymous said...

fantastic dude! looking forward to it already, love to send you a wee list of great stuff ClubAC30 have been listening to...ya never know, you could like them!!