Buy Indiecater Volume Two!

Posted by mp3hugger

Indiecater Volume Two

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That difficult second album eh! Volume 2 comes a couple of months after the indiecater series was hatched and will hopefully go some way to proving again what amazing talent is bubbling just beneath the surface. This can be your starting point for discovering each of the 10 talented artists on this compilation. Buy their albums, go to their shows and wear their t-shirts.

Here is the track listing:

1) Montag - Going Places (Montreal)
2) Ned Collette - The Country With A Smile (Melbourne)
3) The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock - In Country Dark (Dublin)
4) Mumblin' Deaf Ro - What's To Be Done With El Salvador (Dublin)
5) AM Syndicate - To The Peasants Of The Emperor (Austin)
6) Eagle Seagull - I'm Sorry But I'm Beginning To Hate Your Face (Nebraska)
7) The Van Allen Belt - The Status Quo (A Line Dance) (Pittsburgh)
8) The Very Most - Good Fight Fighting (Boise)
9) Venice Is Sinking - Pulaski Heights (Athens, Georgia)
10) The Ruby Suns - There Are Birds (Auckland)

All this including some unique artwork for just €4.50!

If you'd like to listen to the compilation before you purchase click here.

If you don't have a paypal account or credit card just email me and we can sort something out.

Please remember you will need to use Winrar to extract the mp3s, information sheet and artwork from the file you have purchased. If you don't have Winrar you can download it for free from the Winrar website.

If you are having any problems purchasing or downloading the compilation please give me a shout.